Q 3. How many number of Host and subnet in CIDR value /22 of any IP address ?
(a) 64 & 1022
(b) 128 & 1024
(c) 64 & 512
(d) 1022 & 64
Answer :- (d)
Explanation :-CIDR value /22 means.
Total 1’s ones in above IP Address is 22 and Total Zero in above IP address is 10.
Maximum number of Host in each Sub nets will be 210 =1024.
Maximum number of Usable Host in each Sub nets will be 210-2 =1024-2=1022.
Here we Talk about Subnet so Third Octant have 6 ones.
Total Number of Sub nets will be 26 =64
Correct Answer D 1022 Host and 64 Subnets