1. What is the default port number for HTTP?
a) 23
b) 80
c) 443
d) 21
Answer: b) 80
2. Which port does FTP use for data transfer?
a) 21
b) 22
c) 20
d) 23
Answer: c) 20
3. What is the default port for HTTPS (Secure HTTP)?
a) 443
b) 21
c) 22
d) 80
Answer: a) 443
4. Which port is used by the SSH protocol?
a) 22
b) 23
c) 21
d) 25
Answer: a) 22
5. What is the port number used by Telnet?
a) 23
b) 22
c) 80
d) 443
Answer: a) 23
6. What is the default port number for DNS (Domain Name System)?
a) 53
b) 25
c) 67
d) 443
Answer: a) 53
7. Which port does SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) use?
a) 21
b) 22
c) 25
d) 443
Answer: c) 25
8. What is the default port for IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)?
a) 110
b) 143
c) 25
d) 443
Answer: b) 143
9. What port number is used by POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)?
a) 110
b) 143
c) 21
d) 53
Answer: a) 110
10. Which port is used by the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)?
a) 68
b) 53
c) 443
d) 67
Answer: d) 67 (Server), a) 68 (Client)
11. What port does SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) use?
a) 161
b) 162
c) 23
d) 25
Answer: a) 161 (Request), b) 162 (Trap)
12. What is the port number for RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)?
a) 3389
b) 22
c) 21
d) 80
Answer: a) 3389
13. Which port does SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) use?
a) 22
b) 20
c) 21
d) 443
Answer: a) 22
14. What port does HTTP/2 typically use?
a) 443
b) 8080
c) 80
d) 22
Answer: a) 443
15. Which port does the SMTP service for secure email communication (SMTPS) use?
a) 465
b) 25
c) 22
d) 443
Answer: a) 465
16. What is the port number for the MySQL database server?
a) 5432
b) 3306
c) 8080
d) 1433
Answer: b) 3306
17. What is the default port for the PostgresSQL database server?
a) 3306
b) 5432
c) 8080
d) 443
Answer: b) 5432
18. What port number is used by LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)?
a) 389
b) 80
c) 443
d) 21
Answer: a) 389
19. Which port does the FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure) service use?
a) 21
b) 22
c) 990
d) 443
Answer: c) 990
20. What port is used by the NetBIOS protocol?
a) 139
b) 445
c) 80
d) 21
Answer: a) 139
21. What port does SMB (Server Message Block) protocol use?
a) 21
b) 23
c) 139
d) 80
Answer: c) 139 (Earlier versions), b) 445 (Modern versions)
22. Which port is used by the Kerberos authentication protocol?
a) 88
b) 443
c) 23
d) 53
Answer: a) 88
23. What port number is used by the IMAPS (IMAP Secure) protocol?
a) 993
b) 143
c) 25
d) 110
Answer: a) 993
24. Which port is used by the FTP control connection?
a) 20
b) 21
c) 22
d) 443
Answer: b) 21
25. What is the port number for the HTTP alternative (commonly used for proxy)?
a) 8080
b) 443
c) 80
d) 4433
Answer: a) 8080
26. What is the port number for the XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)?
a) 5222
b) 25
c) 22
d) 80
Answer: a) 5222
27. What port number does the TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) use?
a) 69
b) 21
c) 80
d) 443
Answer: a) 69
28. What port does the VNC (Virtual Network Computing) protocol use?
a) 3389
b) 5900
c) 22
d) 443
Answer: b) 5900
29. Which port does the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) use for signaling?
a) 5060
b) 25
c) 443
d) 993
Answer: a) 5060
30. What port does the POP3S (POP3 Secure) protocol use?
a) 995
b) 110
c) 143
d) 443
Answer: a) 995