Data and Signals in Physical layer-Part 2

Data and Signals in Physical layer-Part 2

Sine Wave

Sine wave is just like geometric wave that oscillation show either upside or downside. it will show how amplitude change with the respect of time

Peak Amplitude

Peak amplitude define maximum positive or negative deviation from its zero axis.

Peak amplitude shows highest value at any point of wave.

Positive peak amplitude defines maximum amplitude upside’

Negative peak amplitude defines maximum amplitude upside.

Peak Amplitude

Period and Frequency

Period is a time that require to complete one wave cycle

Frequency means number of cycle complete in one second. Frequency Measured in Hertz (Hz).


where f represents the frequency and T is a period.


Frequency proportional to 1/T it means when frequency increase period decreases.

Also Read: Routing Algorithm MCQs


Phase is a position that point in cycle. phase in a wave measure in degree or radian.


wavelength is a distance measure by signal in a one complete cycle.

wavelength= velocity of wave/ frequency


lambda λ represent wavelength of the wave. measured in m (meter).

v is a velocity of wave measured in m/s (meter per second )

f is frequency measured in Hertz (Hz)

Q.1 What is Bandwidth ?

A bandwidth is a maximum rate of data transfer between two points.

Bandwidth= Highest Frequency- Lowest Frequency


Q.2 What is Bit Interval ?

Answer- Bit interval is a time to transmit one bit.

Q.3 What is Bit Rate ?

Answer-In a One Second, How many no of bits transmitted is called bit rate. it is also called as bit interval per second (bps).

Q.4 What is Bit Length?

Answer-distance cover by single bit is called Bit length.

Bit length=bit interval x propagation seed

Q.5 What is Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)?

Answer- used to find effect of noise in signal or SNR defined as ration of signal power and noise power

SNR=Power of Signal/ Power of Noise

Also Read: Routing Algorithm MCQs


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