Loopback Address A unique IP address that points to the local host is called a loop back address. It doesn't involve any external network traffic and is intended only for…
Private IP Addresses Devices connected to a local network are uniquely identified by their private IP addresses. To ensure safe and effective communication within a particular network, they are made…
Classful IP ADDRESSING:-IPV4 Address is 32 bit address on internet that means four octants in IPV4 address each octant have 8 bit address. It can produce 4.29×109 address space. XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX…
IPv4 Datagram Header Version of IPv4 datagram is 4. it means we are using 4th generation addressing in internet protocol. It uses 4 bit in IPv4 datagram.HLEN field is a…
IP Addressing:-An IP Address is unique Identifier that differentiate devices on Internet. An IP Address is a address that help to reach on particular host on internet. An IP protocol…
1. which of the following is not a type of packet switching A. Circuit Switching B. Datagram Switching C. Virtual Circuit Switching D. Both B and C None of the…
Q 9 How many subnet & Host are available for Network Address ? find Subnet Mask Also ? (a) 8 Subnet , 8 Host & (b) 2 Subnet…
Q.8 How Many Host will be available for and also find Correct Subnet Mask ? (a) 8 Host & (b) 6 Host & (c) 6 Host &…
Q.7 if a router used Ethernet LAN 0 port with Then what is correct Subnet Mask ? (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer:-(d) Explanation CIDR 30…