Medium Access Control-MAC MCQ in Data link Layer

1. Medium Access Control can be categorized into…

  • A. Two types
  • B. Three types
  • C. Four types
  • D. Five types
  • E. None of the above

Explanation:- Medium Access Control is three types

2. In which type of medium access control sender station can send data frame any time…

  • A. Random Access Control
  • B. Controlled Access Control
  • C. Channelization Protocol
  • D. Token Passing
  • E. None of the above

3. CSMA full form is…

  • A. carrier sense multiple access
  • B. controlled sense multiple access
  • C. common sense multiple access
  • D. control sense mutual access
  • E. None of the above

4. CSMA/CD full form is…

  • A. carrier sense multiple access/collision detection
  • B. controlled sense multiple access/control detect
  • C. common sense multiple access/collision detection
  • D. control sense mutual access/collision detection
  • E. None of the above

5. Listen before sending is principle of…

  • A. carrier sense many access
  • B. controlled sense multiple access
  • C. carrier sense multiple access
  • D. control sense mutual access
  • E. None of the above

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6. The time in which collision can take place is called…

  • A. Jamming time
  • B. Collision time
  • C. Propagation time
  • D. Vulnerable time
  • E. None of the above

7. The Vulnerable time of Pure Aloha is (If Transmission time is TT and Propagation time is TP)…

  • A. TT
  • B. 2*TT
  • C. TP
  • D. 2*TP
  • E. None of the above

8. The Vulnerable time of Slotted Aloha is (If Transmission time is TT and Propagation time is TP)…

  • A. TT
  • B. 2*TT
  • C. TP
  • D. 2*TP
  • E. None of the above

9. The Vulnerable time of CSMA is (If Transmission time is TT and Propagation time is TP)…

  • A. TT
  • B. 2*TT
  • C. TP
  • D. 2*TP
  • E. None of the above

10. The time for which a station wait after collision takes place is called…

  • A. Vulnerable Time
  • B. Back of Time
  • C. Propagation Time
  • D. Time out Timer
  • E. None of the above

11. After collision detection in CSMA/CD signal send by detecting station is…

  • A. Jam Signal
  • B. Preamble Signal
  • C. Sample Signal
  • D. Ping Signal
  • E. None of the above

12. CSMA/CA is used to avoid collision in…

  • A. Wireless Network
  • B. Wired Network
  • C. Ethernet Network
  • D. Token Ring Network
  • E. None of the above

13. Efficiency of Pure Aloha is…

  • A. 2*G*e-2G
  • B. G*e-G
  • C. G*e-2G
  • D. G*e-4G
  • E. None of the above

14. Efficiency of Slotted Aloha is…

  • A. 2*G*e-2G
  • B. G*e-G
  • C. G*e-2G
  • D. G*e-4G
  • E. None of the above

15. Back off time (if Kth collision occur) of Pure Aloha is…

  • A. 2K * Time slot (where K value is 0 to 2k-1 and Time slot can be RTT,TP or TT )
  • B. K * Time slot (where K value is 0 to 2k-1 and Time slot can be RTT,TP or TT )
  • C. 4K * Time slot (where K value is 0 to 2k-1 and Time slot can be RTT,TP or TT )
  • D. 8K * Time slot (where K value is 0 to 4k-1 and Time slot can be RTT,TP or TT )
  • E. None of the above

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16. In Slotted Aloha Frame is send by sender…

  • A. Any Time
  • B. After a given time period called Slot time (Transmission time TT or Vulnerable time)
  • C. In a given time period called Propagation time
  • D. In a given time period called 2 * Propagation time
  • E. None of the above

17. Efficiency of Pure Aloha in percentage is…

  • A. 36.8
  • B. 54.4
  • C. 18.4
  • D. 13.6
  • E. None of the above

18. Efficiency of Slotted Aloha in percentage is…

  • A. 36.8
  • B. 54.4
  • C. 18.4
  • D. 13.6
  • E. None of the above

19. A access method in CSMA for which sending station sense link continue sly …

  • A. 1-Persistent
  • B. Non-Persistent
  • C. O-Persistent
  • D. L-Persistent
  • E. None of the above

20. A access method in CSMA for which sending station not sense link continue sly and wait random amount of time for sending frame…

  • A. 1-Persistent
  • B. Non-Persistent
  • C. O-Persistent
  • D. L-Persistent
  • E. None of the above

21. A access method in CSMA for which sending station sense link continue sly and wait random amount of time for sending frame…

  • A. 1-Persistent
  • B. Non-Persistent
  • C. O-Persistent
  • D. P-Persistent
  • E. None of the above

22. In Pure Aloha if nth collision take place than random amount of time station waits for sending next frame…

  • A. 2n * Time slot
  • B. (0 to 2n-1) * RTT
  • C. 4n * Time slot
  • D. 8K * Time slot (where K value is 0 to 4k-1 and Time slot can be RTT,TP or TT )
  • E. None of the above

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23. In a Ethernet network if link bandwidth is 1Mbps over a 2Km cable and speed of signal bits are 2000 Km/sec than minimum frame size for this network is…

  • A. 4000 bits
  • B. 2000 bits
  • C. 8000 bits
  • D. 1000 bits
  • E. None of the above

Solution:- Ethernet uses CSMA/CD

Minimum frame size of CSMA/CD = 2* TP*Bw

First we have to find Propagation time=Distance / Speed

TP= 2000/2000* 103 =1msec

Bandwidth= 1Mbps

Putting these values to above formula

Frame size= 2x1x10-3x106=2000 bits

24. A CSMA/CD network in working in figure shown below

If the bandwidth of link is 2Kbps and speed of signal is 30Km/sec then minimum frame size is…

  • A. 4000 bits
  • B. 2000 bits
  • C. 8000 bits
  • D. 1000 bits
  • E. None of the above

Solution:- In CSMA/CD network we are using maximum distance. In above diagram we are using 60Km distance

Minimum frame size of CSMA/CD = 2* TP*Bw

First we have to find Propagation time=Distance / Speed

TP= 60×103/30×03 = 2 sec

Bandwidth= 2 Kbps

Putting these values to above formula

Frame size= 2x2x103=4000 bits

ARP,RARP,ICMP MCQs for exams


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