what is Software Engineering?

1.What is Software? Define its Type ?

2.Why is Software Engineering Important?

3. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

1. Planning

2. Requirement Analysis

3. System Design

4. Software Testing

5.Software Maintenance

Software Process Model

  1. Software Process Model
  2. Waterfall Model
  3. V-Model (Verification and Validation model)
  4. Incremental Model
  5. RAD Model (Rapid Application Development)
  6. Spiral Model in Software Development
  7. Agile Model in Software Development
  8. Comparison of the various software process models
  9. Sprint in Agile methodology
  10. Scrum framework in Agile methodology
  11. Kanban Agile framework

Software measurement metrics

  1. Software measurement metrics
  2. Comparison of the software measurement metrics
  3. Process Metrics
  4. Project Metrics
  5. Product Metrics
  7. Quality Metrics
  8. Size-Oriented vs. Function-Oriented Metrics

People Involve in Project Management

  1. Management Spectrum
  2. People Involve in Project Management
  3. Role of Project Manager (PM)

4Ps in Project Management

  1. 4Ps in Project Management
  2. Project in Project Management
  3. Product in Project Management?
  4. Process in Project Managment
  5. People in Project Management

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) & Software Configuration Management (SCM)

  1. Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
  2. Software Configuration Management (SCM)
  3. Software Auditing